Note:  Requires version or greater and an account with Wonde.

Wonde's data management platform allows schools to securely automate data from their SIS into their chosen third-party applications. Wonde is ST4S assessed and ISO27001 accredited.

If you are new to Wonde and would like to sign up or if you'd like to discuss their automation services further, then please get in touch with or head to

Importing from Wonde:
The import wizard mapping function allows you to select the column of data from Wonde and map to a field in V10.

View the video:  Importing from Wonde

You may find multiple fields in Wonde for a single field in V10. When mapping the fields, select the value from Wonde that matches your field in V10. Not all fields are mandatory.


Field in V10Field in Wonde
Student Code (Required)id, mis_id
Student Family Name (Required)legal_surname, surname
Student First Name (Required)legal_forename
Student Preferred Name (Optional)forename
Student Middle Name (Optional)middle_names
BOS Code (Optional)id, mis_id
Gender (Optional)gender
Year Level (Optional)year_name, year_code
House (Optional)house_name, house_code
Home Group (Optional)registration_name, registration_code
Student Email (optional)email
Parent/Caregiver Email 1 (Optional)parent_email1
Parent/Caregiver Email 2 (Optional)
User Defined Fields (Optional)
relationship1, relationship2, phone, salutation


Field in V10Field in Wonde
Teacher Code (Required)id, mis_id 
Teacher Family Name (Required)surname, legal_surname
Teacher First Name (Optional)forename, legal_forename
Teacher Middle Name (Optional)middle_names
Title (Optional)title, salutation
Teacher Email (Optional)email
Spare Fields (Optional)gender, phone


Field in V10Field in Wonde
Room Code (Required)code
Room Name (Optional)