This course is designed for those who have some experience in timetabling who wish to:
Use Version 10 to aid in the creation of a clash free timetable
Learn basic timetabling principles
At Course Completion
After completing this course, participants will be able to:
Import the elective line grid into the timetable
Use a range of tools, such as Blocking Patterns and Look Ahead Tests designed to aid and speed up the construction process
Create a block or MRCG
Increase the flexibility of your timetable using a Room Usage Record or RUR
Use the principles of timetable flexibility
Create clash free timetables
Incorporate meetings in the timetable
Produce student and teacher timetables
Create and manage Yard Duty rosters
Generate a variety of reports
Export to a wide number of administration and software packages
Module Outline - Day One
Define the school's timetable structure: How many periods per day, number of days in the cycle, multi campus sites, etc
Import teacher and room details from school administration systems
Analyse the various range of Curricula: Lined, Fully blocked, Core based, etc
Define the curriculum in the school
Define other duties for which staff are responsible and their time allowances, eg, Year Level Coordinator
Define meetings that occur during the timetable period
Enter subject, teacher and room allocations
Use tools to link various classes together
Organise room flexibility using a tool called a Room Usage Record
Set up yard duty details
Module Outline - Day Two
Introduction to timetable construction principles
How to introduce flexibility into your timetable construction
Use tools to determine if your timetable is possible to construct
Use tools to show what staffing and room allocations need to change in order for your timetable construction to be possible
How to use the tools to avoid your timetable "locking up"
How to place certain classes at certain times according to the school's constraints
How to control part-time teacher constraints
How to use the Automatic Timetable Construction tool
How to use the Automatic Rooming function
How to edit the final timetable
How to view and print reports
How to set up and assign staff to yard duties
How to export to Administration systems
This core module assumes that participants have these skills:
Perform simple file access tasks, such as browsing a directory structure, opening and saving files, and creating folders
Describe the curriculum that is to be timetabled in your school
A basic understanding of Timetabling Concepts - it is assumed that participants have either attended the Timetabling Concepts course or have some experience in timetabling
Understand the concept of blocking, lines or student grids
Two days, 9am to 4pm