Timetabling Solutions products can email users which uses the email address noreply@timetabling.com.au
This is not a marketing email from Timetabling Solutions. They are emails sent to you from a user of our product.
At the bottom of each email is an unsubscribe function.
When your email address is added to one of our products, you automatically opt-in to receive emails from our system due to your employer being a paid client or on a trial of a Timetabling Solutions product.
Before you unsubscribe, we recommend that you check with your employer.
How to unsubscribe:
At the bottom of each email we send is an unsubscribe link. To unsubscribe, click the link.
Click 'Unsubscribe' to the confirmation prompt.
You can re-subscribe by clicking on an Unsubscribe link sent to your email address from Timetabling Solutions.
User Management:
A Global Administrator and/or User Administrator can also re-subscribe a user by opening the Management Portal and going to Task 1 Manage Users.
Double-click the user. If they have unsubscribed, the email icon will appear red. Click the email icon, and it will re-subscribe the user.
If the recipient is not a user in the Management Portal and they have unsubscribed and no longer have the original email. Add them as a user in the Management Portal, with no assigned roles. This will allow the user to sign into the Management Portal, but will not provide access to any of the tasks. The admin can then re-subscribe their email.
Marketing & Product emails sent from Timetabling Solutions should only be received by users who have opted in to receive them.
If you receive a marketing or promotional email from Timetabling Solutions and you wish to opt out, please update your email preferences here: https://fastfor.ms/147C4
E: support@timetabling.com.au
W: www.timetabling.com.au/support
P: +61 3 5228 3700 AET 9am to 5pm
X: @TTS_Education