1. Open Timetabling Solutions V10, open the Timetable Development module and open your timetable file.
- Click Publish Timetable
- Click Publish Timetable for Web Daily Organiser and click yes to save the file before publishing
- If prompted, sign in (the session timeout to publish data to the Management Portal is 10 minutes as a security control)
- Click Select, and select your Publish Timetable Group or enter a new group name and click Add
- Click on the calendar to select a start date for this timetable. If it is for the start of the year, before the first school day, select today's date and click Publish.
2. Open the Timetabling Solutions Management Portal and go to task 4 Daily Organiser
- Right-click on the Daily Organiser file that you want to be synced with Daymap and select 'Mark Publish'
3. Go to task 6, SIF/LISS Integrations.
4. From the top menu, click Add and enter the details as per the image below.
- LISS Provider URL:
- UserAgent: TimetablingSolutions
- School: [enter your school code] This is found in Daymap -> Settings -> Configuration -> Integration Configuration -> LISS
- UserName: Daymap
- Password: [supplied by Daymap]
- LISS Schema: LISS Standard
- Past Days: 1
- Future Days: 14
- Manual Sync: (A schedule can be created after your first successful sync)
- Tick the checkboxes as per the image below
5. Click Validate (runs a check with the credentials entered without sending data to the connected system).
6. Open Daymap and go to: Settings > Import > Timetable Import > Import Settings > Manual Timetable Import.
Daymap expects to receive six data payloads from a successful Synchronisation.
The Timetable Import page will display the times these payloads were received from Timetabling Solutions.
Generally, all six payloads should be updated simultaneously with the initiation of the synchronisation.
Click the Import button to initiate the Daymap Timetable Import process.
The Status Message provides advice based on the last Timetable import and the time of the last received data, as indicated in the table below:
Timetable Status Message | Description |
New LISS data is available. Perform a Timetable Import to import this data into Daymap. | Daymap has received one or more data payloads that are newer than your last successful Daymap Timetable Import. Perform a Daymap Timetable import to apply this new data to Daymap. |
All LISS data has been successfully imported into Daymap. A Timetable Import is not required. | Daymap has not received any new data payloads since your last successful Daymap Import. Importing the timetable is likely not required and shouldn’t have any impact on the Daymap. Check the date/times received in Daymap, and make sure they line up with your expectations of performing a Synchronisation. |
LISS data has been unsuccessfully imported into Daymap. Perform a new LISS Sync and/or perform a Timetable Import again. | The last timetable import into Daymap was a failure, and we have not received any more new data from Timetabling Solutions. |
Daily Changes
Unlike the Timetable Import process, Daily Changes are executed immediately and should be reflected in Daymap as soon as the data is received from Timetabling Solutions (expect to take on average 3 minutes, during heavy peak times, up to 15 minutes).
View the semester two timetable in Daymap while still in semester one.
This can be achieved by following the steps in this knowledge base article:
Why is there a two-step process instead of simply synchronisation?
Daymap has made the decision to perform a manual timetable import that allows specific timing for updating Daymap. Generally, you do not want to perform a Daymap Timetable Import during busy times (for example, during roll marking time), so this allows for more precise control over the exact time when to perform your import independently by the timetable.
** Update 17/12/2024: Daymap now has the capability to automatically trigger a Timetable Import after a LISS Sync has been requested. This feature is by request, please contact for us to turn it on for you.
The dates and times of the payloads are not updating when I perform a synchronisation.
This can indicate that there is either an issue with Daymap not able to receive the data that is being transmitted or that there is an issue with Timetabling Solutions sending the data.
We recommend reviewing the logs from the Timetabling Solutions Management Portal (go to task 6 SIF/LISS Integrations|double click your integration and click View Logs), to see if any details can be found about the LISS synchronisation. Details can then be communicated to either Daymap Support or Timetabling Solutions for review.
Can the timetable automatically synchronise, as per a schedule, and import into Daymap?
Timetables can be scheduled to sync, it is recommended that this is only done once per day. In Daymap, the process of importing data will continue to be a manual one.
Caveat for schools migrating from the file import to LISS: Daymap can continue to use the scheduled Data Copy, which will continue to upload your Timetable File (If using V10, click File|Save to V9 Format to create the *.tdf9 file). This will trigger a Timetable import in Daymap, essentially replicating a user clicking the “Import” button in Daymap.
** Update 17/12/2024: Daymap now has the capability to automatically trigger a Timetable Import after a LISS Sync has been requested. This feature is by request, please contact for us to turn it on for you.
I clicked “Synchronise” in Timetabling Solutions, however, Daymap didn’t receive the data for a couple of minutes.
Possible delays may occur when receiving data, particularly during peak times. The times are logged instantaneously, so any differences in times displayed on the Daymap Import page will be due to the delay in Timetabling Solutions not sending data.
I clicked “Synchronise” in Timetabling Solutions, Daymap says it received the data however, even after performing a Timetable import, the data is still incorrect.
Daymap can only import the data that they receive. In Timetabling Solutions, check that the correct Daily Organiser file is marked as published. To do this, open the Management Portal and go to task 4 Daily Organiser. The file being synced will have a blue globe on it. To change to a different file, simply right-click the row and select 'Mark Published'.
If the data remains incorrect, please contact Timetabling Solutions to investigate further.