Summary: when opening a Daily Organiser file, that was previously linked to a timetable, the following error appears:

Status:  The issue is active and is being investigated.  If you experience this issue, please contact, which will allow us to track the extent of the issue better.


First, try clearing your cookies, then open a new tab and try again.
(how to clear cookies:

If the issue remains, hanging your version preference to the 'Modern' user interface will allow you to continue working on your Daily Organiser file. The 'Modern' user interface includes several changes to our task names and a new approach to completing tasks.  The Modern view is connected to your data.

If you have more than one user accessing the same Daily Organiser file, both users must be on the same application, either Classic or Modern.

To switch to Modern:

- sign in to go to the top right of the screen, and click on your profile picture

- click Profile and, scroll down, select 'Modern'

- click 'Return to Apps'. When you next open Daily Organiser, the URL will display (note: the Classic URL is editing the URL will also switch between versions for that session)