Open the article in a separate window
1. Open the timetable file Timetable 10 Days and go to [10B] Yard Duty Sessions and Load and note that Day 1 to 10 all have the same YD session structure
2. Go to [15A] Allocate Yard Duties and note that the Week A Yard Duties have been allocated
3. Go to the home page and copy the file. Call it Timetable 10 Days for importing
4. Open the For Importing file and go to [1B] Day Names and Periods Per day
5. Click Add Day and add 5 days before Day 1
6. Click save and close
7. Open the file Timetable 10 Days and go to [15A] Allocate Yard Duties and click Import Data
8. Yard duties for both weeks are now identical
9. The important issue for these schools is that they want teachers to be allocated to the same YD sessions each week. However, the teachers’ timetables are different for each week so some teachers may have been allocated to a YD when they are teaching either side of it. A list of these teachers can be seen on screen [15D] Check Yard Duty Allocations