Open the article in a separate window
STEP 1: Click here to download the V10 Training Data (or copy and paste the URL below into a browser)
STEP 2: Extract the 'V10 Training Data' folder (Right click | Extract All) Place the extracted 'V10 Training Data' folder on your desktop.
This will create the V10 Training Training Data folder that contains all the training materials required for your course, including a folder called "Full Manuals".
TIP: Open the folder V10 Training Data, and open the folder Full Manuals. If you are attending an online course, we recommend you either copy the manuals to an iPad or use 'split-screen' by opening a manual and clicking the Windows key + left/right to move them to the side you want them to appear. This will allow you to select the Teams app as the other split screen, leaving a full screen for V10.