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Timetabling Solutions has created two sets of timetables and student data to give third-party software providers an example of how data appears in our program for those who want to read it.  

Note: our recommendation is to integrate using either SIF AU or LISS data standards, rather than reading our data file directly.

There is a simple data set as well as a more complex one designed to show a variety of combinations that may occur in a school environment.

Version 10 File Format:  JSON
Student Options file extension: sfx (file schema)
Timetable Development file extension: tfx (file schema)
Note: Daily Organiser is now a hosted web app. It can export a dof9 file, we recommend integrating using LISS

Straightforward Data

This is a single-site timetable, with students from years 7-12 as per a standard secondary school in Australia. It includes meetings for teachers and yard duty allocations between periods. Students are in roll classes for some subjects and electives allocated in a student file for others. Each student has only one class per period in the cycle.

Classes of note:

  • A vertical homeroom is in place for students in Yr7 and Yr8.  This means that students from those two-year levels are in classes together so that a single class, such as 78HRS1B, will include students from both Yr7 and Yr8.
  • Some Yr12 Private Study classes (12PST1B, D, E & F) have different teachers throughout the cycle.
  • Some classes have different rooms throughout the cycle. Examples of this are 12ACC1A, 10SOS1B and 09ENG1E.

Teachers of note:

  • John Myers (Code MYEJ) takes two classes at the same time - 11MAT1X and 10MAA1A.
  • Rod Adams (Code ADAR) is not at school on Wednesday.

Rooms of note:

  • Oval 1 (Code OV1) has more than one class at the same time. For example, 10SPT1A, 09SPT1A, 09SPT1B, 09SPT1C, 09SPT1D, 09SPT1E & 09SPT1F.

Complex Data

This is a timetable with two sites. Students in Yr7 to Yr12 on Site 1; students in Prep to Yr6 on Site 2. It includes meetings for teachers and yard duty allocations between periods. Students are in roll classes for some subjects and electives allocated in a student file for others. Some students have more than one class per period in the cycle.

Students of note:

  • Bennie Charter (Code CHARB01, Year 12) has been allocated to a Yr11 course of Biology. This occurs at the same time as a Yr12 class. To resolve the conflict, the Lesson Type field is used and type E has priority over type O.
  • Richard Quigg (Code QUIGR01, Year 11) has been allocated to a Yr12 course of Physical Education.  This occurs at the same time as a Yr11 class.  To resolve the conflict, the Lesson Type field is used and type E has priority over type O. 
  • Jim Adams (Code ADAMJ01, Year 8) has been allocated to a Yr9 course of Maths.  This occurs at the same time as a variety of other Yr8 classes.  To resolve the conflict, the Lesson Type field is used and type E has priority over type C.
  • Kim Beazley (Code BEAZK01, Year 10) has been allocated to a Yr11 course of Physical Education, so the class 11PED1B has students from Yr11 and Yr10.
  • Nicole Firth (Code FIRTN01, Year 10) has been allocated to a Yr11 course of Art, so the class 11ART1B has students from Yr11 and Yr10.
  • Eddie Maguire (Code MAGUE01, Year 10) has been allocated to a Yr11 course of Art, so the class 11ART1B has students from Yr11 and Yr10.

Classes of note:

  • A vertical homeroom is in place for students in Yr7 and Yr8.  This means that students from those two year levels are in classes together so that a single class, such as 78HRS1B, will include students from both Yr7 and Yr8.
  • Some Yr12 Private Study classes (12PST1B, D, E & F) have different teachers throughout the cycle.
  • Some primary classes (45CLAA, 00CLA2) have different teachers throughout the cycle.
  • Some classes have different rooms throughout the cycle. Examples of this are: 12ACC1A, 10SOS1B and 08MAT1B.

Teachers of note:

  • John Myers (Code MYEJ) takes two classes at the same time - 11MAT1X and 10MAA1A.
  • Rod Adams (Code ADAR) is not at school on Wednesday
  • Judith Cooper (Code COOJ) teaches classes at both sites.
  • Catherine Baker (Code BAKC) teaches classes at both sites.
  • Eva White (Code WHIE) takes two classes at the same time - 12ECO1A and 11ECO1A. Note 12ECO1A has an extra period compared to 11ECO1A so there is a single lesson when WHIE has 12ECO1A only.

Rooms of note:

  • Oval 1 (Code OV1) has more than one class at the same time. For example, 10SPT1A, 09SPT1A, 09SPT1B, 09SPT1C, 09SPT1D, 09SPT1E & 09SPT1F.
  • Junior Sch Rm 21 (Code J21) has two classes at the same time, 07MAT1A and 07MATSP.