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The first version of the web Daily Organiser was designed to match the look and feel of our desktop model to assist with transitioning our users from desktop to the web.
To achieve this, many iPad specific functions have been ignored and will be addressed in future versions.
Some of the limitations of using Daily Organiser on an iPad include;
The left/right arrows on the date selector located in the header do not appear on an iPad.
No right click or double click functionality. (e.g. task 12A Allocate Teacher Replacements, the only way to add individual teachers is to click on select teacher and type the code into the search field. The same issue occurs for [13A] Assign Rooms.)
Unable to adjust panes (e.g. task 12A Allocate Teacher Teacher Replacements).
Many of the select panels are not iPad friendly.
Formatting of emails is in "source view" regardless of what setting you select.
The use of an iPad is best left to viewing information, rather than editing/everyday use.