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TT - Change colours for consistency

[4A] Teacher Details - Compare Teachers

TAB 5 & TAB 6 –  add the blue colour to show any differences in the current file (the same colour as TAB 3 for "Allocation difference in current file")

[7A] Class Information

  • "Nil" classes to light grey colour (the colour used for "Band set (MRCG row)" in V9)
  • "Band set (MRCG row)" to dark grey colour with white text

[11C] Matching Matrix

  • "Specify number of periods to match" to light green (the colour used for [13A] Roll Class Allocations "Card can be allocated" in V9)


[15A] Allocate Yard Duties

  • "Teacher unavailable/not at school" to dark grey colour with white text
  • "Maximum Yard Duty Load reached" to mid grey colour
  • "Overload" to light red (the colour used for teacher overload on [4A] Teacher Names in V9)
  • "Day spread" to orange (new colour for V10)