Importing Data

Home Page | Import Data | Timetable File, the green Upload Timetable File button, located bottom left is now a grey up arrow button, located top right

Import Steps

The old process for importing was;
Import Data | Timetable file | Upload timetable file | Browse | Open | Upload complete click OK | Select file | Proceed

The new process for importing is;
Import Data | Timetable file | Grey arrow | Browse | Open | Select file | Proceed

Change to editing and moving between fields

Previously you could 'backspace' to remove a value, and then type the new value.  Now, you need to highlight the existing value and then type over it

Enter can no longer be used to move between cells or to enter data. The Tab key can still be used

Filtering of Subjects

There are now dropdown menus for Faculty, Academic Period, and Year instead of just typing in the filter row