File Structure
The new consultation mode is designed to allow clients to provide staffing information to their consultant during the process of construction. Because of this, files in this mode have their structure locked to match what the desktop timetabling application has so that staffing allocations made by the client can easily be transferred back into their timetable.
The areas of the application which are not accessible in Consultation Mode are:
[1] Year Levels
[4] Subjects
[7] Class Constraints
This leaves clients able to modify any information in the areas of:
Unscheduled duties
Faculties (includes faculties, faculty groups, teachers in faculties, subjects in faculties)
Staffing rules (used for the Staffing application Auto Staffing only)
Teachers assigned to classes
There are a range of tools available for clients to manage their Staffing, these include:
Blocked classes (locked on import)
Composites (locked on import)
Split classes (locked on import)
Manual & auto staffing
Find valid alternate
Imports to Consultation Mode can only be made from a desktop Timetable file, this is because the mode aims to mirror the structure of the timetable exactly.
The new Consultation Mode includes all of the existing reports with the exclusion of the Allocations by Same Teacher report as Same Teacher constraints are not a feature of the mode. In addition to these reports’ users can now also email the information in the Statistics report directly to other staff.
The new Consultation Mode provides two options for exporting data:
Timetable file – users can export their changes directly to the Timetable they originally imported the data from, this export will update the target file with:
Unscheduled duties
Faculties (includes faculty, faculty group, teachers in faculties & subjects in faculties)
Teacher class assignments
JSON file – users can export their changes to a JSON file which can then be imported into the desktop timetabling software.
(* Indicates functionality only available in Standard Mode)
Real-time updates of other users’ changes to the data
Improvements to drop-down lists to allow users to type letters to search for entries
A reordering of fields in add/edit dialogs to better match fields in the main grid
The ability to define a permanent sort for Teachers, Subjects and Unscheduled Duties
Grid filters are now reset on the closure of the browser session
The ability to define the order of teacher name (i.e., first name, last name) in display settings
Imports *
Base information can be imported as individual items, which includes:
Year levels
Faculties (includes faculties, faculty groups, teacher in faculties & subjects in faculties)
Unscheduled duties
Data can now be imported from Student Options files, this includes:
Subjects & classes (from the [12A] Develop Grid screen)
Loads (from periods)
Teacher allocations (if the teacher exists in the dataset prior to importing)
Blocked classes
Import from another Staffing dataset
Class Constraints – blocked, composite and split classes
Subject academic period
Export to Excel now includes unstaffed classes and unstaffed unscheduled duties*
Export to JSON file – this export provides a streamlined import into Timetable Development Version 10 (under Import Data – Web Staffing Application) of teachers, unscheduled duties, faculties (includes faculty, faculty group, teachers in faculties & subjects in faculties) and teachers assigned to classes
In the Teachers in Faculties and Subjects in Faculties screens, the dialog used to change inclusions can now be moved to allow for better visibility
Subjects *
The ability to specify that a class is not to be staffed has been added
Tooltips now show a list of class Codes when hovering over the Classes field
Unscheduled Duties
Class suffixes are now added to unscheduled duties when there is more than one instance
Tooltips now show a list of duty Codes when hovering over the Instances field
Class Constraints
Grid filters now include the class codes contained within a group as well as the group’s name *
Classes can now belong to more than one blocked class group *
Classes and their splits can now be included in Blocked Class groups by simply adding the class rather than the specific split *
Users can now copy Blocked Class groups*
Classes can be manually split so that more than one teacher can take the class *
Teacher split class allocations are now imported in from timetable file (if class constraints & assign teachers to classes are ticked on import)
Staffing screen
Unscheduled duties are now automatically allocated when importing from a Timetable file which contains allocations
The Remove All Staffing function now does not remove staff on unscheduled duties
Assign Previous Teachers does not change unscheduled duties allocations
More granular control of how Auto Staffing does its staffing is now included:
All classes – this operates the same way as in version one
Unstaffed classes only – this mode will search for teacher availability only for classes not already staffed
Auto allocated and unstaffed classes only – this mode searches for teacher availability for classes not already staffed as in the Unstaffed classes only mode however this mode will also change allocations to any class it has previously staffed in order to achieve a result
The Teacher Loads report now has classes ordered by their year level, unscheduled duties are always displayed last
A new report Classes not to be Staffed has been added to view a listing of all classes marked by the user as Not to be staffed
The Statistics report now includes:
Unscheduled Duties
A summary of classes not to be staffed
An option to show loads in minutes
Users can now email the information in the Statistics report directly to other staff