Administration Console
Asynchronous File Downloads
We found that a number of users had problem with download or export of files from the Administration Console and Daily Organiser module timing out prior to them receiving their file. In order to prevent this from happening in the future we have moved to a new model where when a user requests to download a file from the Administration Console they will now receive a message indicating they will receive an email notification when the file is ready.
Once the export has completed an email with a link which can be clicked to download the export will be sent to the user who made the request.
[11] Export Bundles
The Administration Console now has a new interface at 11 in the menu named Export Bundles which allows users to see the status of a file export that was requested via the Administration Console or Daily Organiser.
Users can also download completed exports directly from this interface.
[7] Messaging
Email Despatch Log
Based on user feedback we have added a log of all emails sent by the system (this includes emails sent via Password Recovery, Account Activation, Import Completion, Export Completion, Daily Organiser or Staffing) to improve visibility into what has been sent. There is a new menu item a position 7 named Messaging which when opened will display a single tab of the logs.
Each entry in the log will give the user the ability to view the subject and body of the email, any attachments which were intended to go to all recipients, when it was created, when it was sent or completed, a list of the recipients along with when the email was sent to them.
Email Un-subscription Status
The timetable datastore system has a global un-subscription system in order to comply with the Spam Act, unfortunately we found it was easy for users to lose track of their subscription status. Based on this feedback we have added indicators of the subscription status of all email addresses to the Manager Users interface in the Administration Console and the User Profile interface. Users will also be able to manage the subscription status each email address from these locations.