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- New Date Selector which includes buttons to move to the next day or previous day with a single click. Note: The Date Selector is now available on all screens.
- Rename File Items to Manage Items with additional buttons for View User Changes, Import Data, Export Data, Configure Settings, Permit Support Access and Open on Today’s Date. Note: some of these buttons were previously on the Welcome Page or in drop down menus.
[9A] Student Activities
- All fields are highlighted green when they become compulsory eg When a teacher is selected the Teacher Absence Reason Field is highlighted green.
[10A] Change Room Availability
- Shared rooms are now highlighted
[12A] Allocate Teacher Replacements
- New button Auto Allocate Outstanding Replacements. This button allocates teachers to all remaining replacements based on the Index Order for each lesson. Note: Yard Duties are not allocated teachers.
- Lower Pane has a new sort 14. Sort by In Lieu (this period). This will be useful for school that allocate teachers to specific periods for replacements then cancel these. IT groups the available teachers for each period together.
- Lower Pane has new check box for Show In Lieu Teachers only.
- Some check boxes and radio buttons moved into the button Show in Lower Pane:.
- The new check box Show In Lieu Teachers only.
- Show balloons was moved from the top menu bar
- Highlight Available Teacher by Faculty/Faculty Group was moved from the lower pane menu bar.
[13B] Edit Rooms
- When a room is removed from a class the class is now added to the [13A] Assign Rooms screen.
[17A] Preview Bulletin
- The Preview Bulletin screen is populated with information when the screen is opened. (In Version 9 you had to open the screen then click the Preview Bulletin button
[19] Selected Day Activities
- This item has been renamed, in Version 9 it was called Activities
[21A4] Teacher Replacement Details
- The Absence Reason can now be displayed for all replacements